Mindfully baked for
We believe in nourishing both body and mind with every bite. Unlike many snacks, we don't use ultra-processed ingredients. Our ingredients are ethically sourced with the bigger picture in mind. Ethiopiaid collaborates with local partners to enhance the lives of Ethiopians through education, healthcare, and community empowerment, with a particular emphasis on supporting women, girls, and nutrition.
We consider the long-term impact of our snacks, not only for the person eating them, but also for everyone involved along the supply chain and for our planet. We source our teff from carefully selected international farms, outside of Ethiopia and Eritrea, to avoid causing price fluctuations for the local community.
We believe joy is an important part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Teffies are a snack that you can feel good about. We are anti-food waste and work with food banks to distribute any additional stock to people who need it most.