When I learnt about the health benefits of teff, I couldn’t believe it wasn’t eaten more widely. From supporting gut health to fitness, it really is a super-grain. My intention was to find a way everyone could experience the health benefits of this incredible grain everyday, without sacrificing the joy of good food.
- Jessica, Founder

Intentionally Different

Teffie redefines eating well, creating naturally delicious recipes and nutrient-dense solutions that seamlessly fit into busy lifestyles. By selecting nourishing, inclusive, and sustainable ingredients, Teffie makes purposeful choices available to everyone.

Mindfully baked for

We believe in nourishing both body and mind with every bite. Unlike many snacks, we don't use ultra-processed ingredients. Our ingredients are ethically sourced with the bigger picture in mind. Ethiopiaid collaborates with local partners to enhance the lives of Ethiopians through education, healthcare, and community empowerment, with a particular emphasis on supporting women, girls, and nutrition.

We consider the long-term impact of our snacks, not only for the person eating them, but also for everyone involved along the supply chain and for our planet. We source our teff from carefully selected international farms, outside of Ethiopia and Eritrea, to avoid causing price fluctuations for the local community.

We believe joy is an important part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Teffies are a snack that you can feel good about. We are anti-food waste and work with food banks to distribute any additional stock to people who need it most.

  • Dr Scott Robinson, PhD MSc SENr

    Founder and Managing Director of The Edge HPL

    Dr Scott is a high performance nutrition expert who has helped over 500 individuals achieve sustainable high performance, including >50 Premier League football players, several Formula 1 Drivers, World Champion Fighters & Olympic Gold Medallists. We have partnered with Scott's nutrition clinic, The Edge HPL to ensure that our snacks are the best they can be.

What's Teff?

Teff is our main ingredient and a gluten-free nutrient powerhouse. It's the smallest grain in the world and an ancient grain that originates in Ethiopia and Eritrea.

Some of the best athletes in history swear by teff and it has been eaten as a flatbread called injera for centuries.

Eating teff has been linked to lots of health benefits including for gut health, athletic performance, and overall wellbeing. It's also a planet-friendly grain.

Interested in finding out more about teff? Read our article written with our Advisor Nutritionist, Dr Scott Robinson below.

Read more

Our Charity Partner

Ethiopiaid collaborates with local partners to enhance the lives of Ethiopians through education, healthcare, and community empowerment, with a particular emphasis on supporting women, girls, and nutrition.

You can support their brilliant work by donating at checkout every time you purchase Teffies.